10 Under Ten
Before the “Hope in the [Real] World Panel”, an engaging conversation about life after Hope for current students, I always ask the recipients of the 10 Under 10 Awards, who serve as the featured panelists, to gather inside Graves Hall. This year, as I welcomed designers, doctors and researchers into the space, I noticed a distinct buzz of energy. There were many hugs, handshakes and “how have you been?”s. A therapist chatted with a voice actor while a lead recruiter caught up with an acclaimed artist and teacher. Some of the recipients had crossed paths during their student experiences, while most were interacting for the first time. They were eager to learn from each other and genuinely excited to share in this experience.
Later, during some down time between their photoshoot and their award celebration, the recipients sat around a table just chatting. There were no egos, no bragging, no comparisons. They were thrilled to both share and glean wisdom and stories they acquired since their graduation from Hope, as they’ve gone into the world and lived faithfully into their varied vocations.
This cohort of recipients absolutely embodied the purpose of the 10 Under 10 Awards. The awards were created to highlight and celebrate agents of Hope, who delight in learning, seek deep understanding, and respond to the needs they see in the world. They are emerging leaders who in many ways are just getting started. They represent thousands of our young alumni who are impacting their own corners of the world in significant ways by utilizing the skills and knowledge they acquired during their time at Hope.
In keeping with the spirit of the panel, we asked each of them for reflections on their time at Hope or advice that they’d like to share with students who are preparing for their own lives after graduation.
We want to honor more alumni like these! To nominate a recent graduate (2014-2023) for a 10 Under 10 Award, visit hope.edu/alumni/awards.
Sarah Jane Peterson’15
Research Psychology Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Michigan
“Get involved in as many things as possible, academically and otherwise! College is the last chance for a lot of
these opportunities and you never know where they will take you or who they will introduce you to.”
Meredith Busman’14
Emergency Medicine Physician & Sub-Elite Marathoner
“Find a board of mentors for yourself who are already doing what you see yourself doing, even if it’s not directly related. Ask them what steps they thought were important towards getting where they are. Meet for coffee, take notes. Also, make your “personal” Venn diagram. Make overlapping circles with your interests, personal activities or professional experiences. Find where the circles overlap, how interests and pursuits overlap.”
Megan Altieri’13
Artist, Author & Founder of Sonder Articles
“Look across the divide, look into places where you fear you won’t be welcomed, and seek to know more about the people there; more of their heart, their motivations, and what makes them tick. I got my first taste of doing that at Hope, in the classroom and in my communities.”
Alec Norkey’13
Ethnomusicology Researcher & Violinist
“I would advise students of today to think about their future careers and professionalization as only one part of what it means to be educated. To this end, I would advise current Hope students to both concentrate on their major or specialization, and also take seriously the ideas and insights that a liberal arts education can provide. Embracing a breadth of thought can help prepare for times of struggle and uncertainty that so many face in modern times.”
Regina Sanchez-Gonzalez’15
Recruiting Lead at Block (FKA Square)
“Take courses that intrigue you, even if you don’t see the direct career pathway in front of you. There are so many different types of jobs out there that you may not be exposed to (yet!). As a recruiter that has reviewed hundreds of resumes, I do not care what you studied but what skillsets (hard AND soft skills) you bring to the table.”
Emily Armbruster’13
Senior Scientist at NanoImaging Services
“The professors at Hope care passionately about what they are teaching, but they care most about who they are teaching. Beginning with my Hope education, I have been cultivated to not seek goals, but to do the best work I can in the areas around me that call for it. It’s not about my fellowships, accomplishments, or who I have become, it’s about filling up all the cracks in the world that you’re keen enough to spot.”
Lauren Ezzo’14
Voice Actor & Audiobook Narrator
“Open yourself up to experiences. I traveled abroad for the first time with Hope College; my first time thinking as a global citizen… I engaged with my faith meaningfully for the first time at a Hope Bible study. The art and artists I was exposed to with Hope’s theatre, dance, music, and studio programs informed the kind of art I attempt to make – authentic and honestly me.”