News from Hope College

From the President: Matthew A. Scogin ʼ02

Dear Friends and Family of Hope College,

As I write this message, I am approaching the end of my fifth month as president of Hope College. These months have gone quickly! Each day as I experience the beauty of the Pine Grove, walking from our home to my office, I am reminded that God is living and active in our world and on our campus. Since the start of the academic year, we’ve gone from the sunshine of summer to the colors of fall, and unexpectedly — to the snow of winter! For the first time, my kids enjoyed an early November snow day, and it happened to fall on my son Oliver’s 7th birthday. A perfect birthday present!

Even though Sarah and I spent four years at Hope as students, we are enjoying every new day here as a “first.” We are grateful for all the amazing experiences we have had in such a short period of time, thanks to friends like you. One of the highlights was the Presidential Inauguration, which took place in Dimnent Memorial Chapel on September 13 — a day my family and I will always cherish. The celebration gave me the opportunity to connect with many members of the Hope community and cast a vision for our future. On pages 10–13, you’ll find some details of that vision.

Some have described the vision of fully funded tuition as a “bold goal.” We’re not bashful about calling it what it is: It is ambitious. In fact, we’re calling it a “God-sized goal.” But Hope is a God-centered school, and with faith at the core of all we do, we are inspired to take on the biggest of challenges. “Hope” is our name, after all! And our hope comes from the only reliable source. It’s this “living hope” that inspired our founding, defines our purpose and carries us forward today. This is the hope we aspire to instill at Hope College. And as we urge our students to take everything they learn here, grounded in that hope, and run toward the world’s challenges, this is an opportunity for us as an institution to lead by example.

In sharing this vision with you, we invite you to become more involved in the life of Hope College. If you are active as a Hope alumnus or supporter: Thank you! And if it’s been awhile since you’ve connected with Hope: There’s never been a better time, and we would love to hear from you. Since September, we’ve talked a lot about the transformational power of a Hope education. (Maybe you’ve noticed the hashtag #transformedbyhope on social media.) Drop us a line, and let us know how Hope College transformed your life!

Spera in Deo,
Matthew A. Scogin ʼ02

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