News from Hope College is published during April, August and December for alumni, friends and parents of Hope College by the Division of Public Affairs and Marketing.
Nineteen longtime members of the faculty are retiring this year. How to celebrate 19 tenures totaling 600+ years? It starts here, with these winsome portraits. But then, please, visit the college online for photographs and biographical sketches. And most of all, if you get a chance, say to them, as we do here: THANK YOU! You made a difference, and you will be missed.
Barry Bandstra
Professor of Religion and Director of Academic Computing
38 years
Natalie Dykstra
Professor of English
21 years
Nancy Cook
Professor of Education
35 years
Douglas Iverson ’72
Assistant Professor of Economics & Ruch Executive-in-Residence
29 years
Teunis (Tony) Donk
Professor of Education
30 years
Jennifer Gardiner
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Art Instruction
24 years
Albert Bell
Professor of History
43 years
Donna Garrett
Assistant Professor of Nursing
15 years
Steven Hoogerwerf ’77
Associate Professor of Religion
29 years
Kathy Winnett-Murray
Professor of Biology
35 years
Deborah Weiss ’75 Sturtevant
Professor of Social Work
33 years
Steve Nelson
Associate Professor of Art
32 years
K. Greg Murray
T. Elliot Weier Professor of Plant Science
35 years
Patricia Roehling
Professor of Psychology
34 years
Dede Johnston
Guy Vander Jagt Professor of Communication
27 years
Tom Smith
Dr. Leon A. Bosch ’29 Professor of Management
28 years
Bruce McCombs
Professor of Art
52 years
Richard Smith
Professor of Theatre
49 years
Marty Weener ’85 LaBarge
Associate Professor of Accounting
14 years
The portraits on these pages were created for Hope by U.K.-based artist Christy Johnson using photographs provided by News from Hope College from the college’s collection.