Eugene Jekel ’52

A painting commissioned by Hope’s Department of Chemistry honors retired professors Dr. Eugene Jekel ’52 of Holland, Michigan, and the late Dr. Elaine Jekel for their impact on chemistry education — and tens of thousands of students — across the country and around the world through a long-running program at Hope for high school teachers. The Jekels, who retired in 1993, coordinated the “NSF [National Science Foundation] Summer Institute” from 1964 through 1991 for teachers of Advanced Placement and second-year high school chemistry.
A unique family connection provides additional meaning. The artist, Tails Jekel, is the husband-and-wife couple’s grandchild. Titled “Your Light,” the painting has been installed in the hallway near the General Chemistry laboratories on the second floor west of the main/central staircase of the A. Paul Schaap Science Center.

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