Annalise Klein ’14
Annalise Klein ’14 of Santa Clara, California, had an
opportunity this fall to both share and learn in Uganda
as one of only 13 U.S. citizens nationwide to receive a
Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching Short Term
Program grant in the latter half of this year.
She teaches chemistry and AP chemistry at KIPP San
Jose Collegiate, a Title 1 public charter school in East San
Jose with 99 percent students of color. Via the award, she
spent five weeks working with educators and students at
Serere Township Secondary School, focusing on designing
science education in the context of community, engaging
in global conversation about equity and science education,
and developing or leading seminars and teacher workshops
on topics such as data-driven teaching, science and social
justice, and devising inquiry-based projects.
She writes, “Short term, I hope to use this experience to develop my own students’ global citizenship consciousness through international education issues highlighted during my time at STSS, use workshops developed for STSS in KSJC faculty/science department professional development, and develop research projects that could be used for my Chemistry for Social Justice unit that I teach. Long term, I hope this lays the
ground for a future career in education consulting or research, specifically working with indigenous communities to develop a culturally relevant STEM lens in their daily science classroom practice.”