Jacob Sitati ’01
The Hope College Alumni Association Board of Directors appointed four new members and elected three new officers during its April meeting.
The board’s new members are: Naod Estifanos, a junior from Silver Spring, Maryland; Tracey Forbes ’03 Hoesch of Ann Arbor, Michigan; Michael Magan ’88 of London, England; and Jacob Sitati ’01 of Vernon Hills, Illinois.
Newly elected as the board’s three officers are: president, Jon Soderstrom ’76 of Madison, Connecticut; vice president, Lindsay Allward-Theimer ’11 of Atlanta, Georgia; and secretary, Anna Leach ’12 Hartge of Washington, D.C.
Terrell Solberg ’21 of Traverse City, Michigan, formerly Senior Class Representative, was appointed representative of the most recent graduating class. Grace Purdue ’22 of Grand Rapids, Michigan, formerly Junior Class Representative, was appointed Senior Class Representative.
The board members who have completed their service are: Chandler Alberda ’20 of Austin, Texas; Katie Bauman ’03 Schubert of Frankfort, Illinois; Matt Wixson ’08 of Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Hideo Yamazaki ’76 of Tokyo, Japan.