Jalaa’ Abdelwahab ’97
The Hope College Alumni Association will present Distinguished Alumni Awards to Jalaa’ Abdelwahab ’97 and the Rev. Dr. Tim Brown ’73 during the first in-person Alumni Weekend celebration since 2019.
Abdelwahab recently became Director of Vaccine Programmes in the Country Programme of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva, Switzerland, following 10 years with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and 10 years previously with the Centers for Disease Control. Brown retired as the Henry Bast Professor of Preaching Emeritus at Western Theological Seminary in 2020 after serving at the seminary since 1995, and a tenure that included being the seminary’s president from 2008 to 2019 and a joint appointment as Hinga-Boersma Dean of the Chapel at Hope from 2001 to 2003.
The onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020, and its subsequent continuation, prompted the college to cancel, postpone or reformat the 2020 and 2021 reunion-related activities. The 2020 and 2021 DAA recipients, for example, were recognized through recorded video interviews with President Matthew A. Scogin ’02.
In a return to traditional form, this year’s awards will be presented during the Alumni Banquet, on Saturday, April 30, at 6 p.m. at the Haworth Hotel. Friday and Saturday, April 29-30, will also feature reunions that include classes that missed the opportunity in 2020 and 2021, with celebrations for 1970-72 (50th); 1980-82 (40th); and 1990-92 (30th). Other highlights will include events for the 50-Year Circle, among them a luncheon for the Classes of 1971 and older, and a ceremony inducting the Class of 1972.
Additional information about Alumni Weekend and biographical sketches of both alumni are available online.