News from Hope College

From the President: Matthew A. Scogin ʼ02

Dear Friends and Family of Hope College,

In just a few weeks, we will welcome the members of Hope’s Class of 2022 to their new home-away-from-home. If you are an alumnus of Hope College, you may remember the feeling of arriving on campus as a student for the first time. I certainly do!

Twenty-one years ago, I came to Hope as a first-year student, feeling tremendous anticipation and nervous excitement about all the possibilities on the horizon. As a freshman, I settled into Scott Hall with a strong sense that Hope was a special place that might just change my life. It did. In fact, Hope exceeded my expectations. As I know is true for many of you, my life truly was transformed by Hope College.

In July, I returned to my alma mater — this time as president! — again arriving with anticipation and excitement about what lies ahead as well as a profound sense of calling.

As I step into this role, I make two commitments to all of you. First, I will do a lot of listening. I know I have a lot to learn, and I look forward to hearing your hopes and aspirations, as friends and alumni, for Hope College. Second, I will make a lot of mistakes. In fact, by the time you read this, I will certainly have already made good on this promise! But I also pledge that my mistakes will always be out of exuberance and love for this institution, never out of indolence.

My exuberance comes from the fact that Hope is indeed a special, transformational place. I am eager to work with my colleagues, students, alumni and friends of the college to ensure that the world recognizes Hope for what it is: one of the best liberal arts colleges in the nation.

On the following pages, you’ll find stories about some of the things that make Hope College so distinctive — from interdisciplinary off-campus study, to interfaith bridge-building, to collaborative research on happiness, to distinctive academic combinations, to our unique philosophy of athletic excellence. Core to these success stories are our faculty and staff, all mentors who give generously of themselves to Hope students.

Also, on pages 14–17, you’ll find a special section of gratitude, dedicated to President Emeritus Rev. Dr. Dennis Voskuil and his wife, Betty. The Voskuils lead by embodying 1 Corinthians 10:24 (“No one should seek their own good, but the good of others”). If we all led our lives this way, the world would be a better place.

There is so much important work to do here at Hope, and President Emeritus Voskuil paved the way for continued progress. I am honored to receive the baton of leadership from him, especially as we work together as a campus to live into our Christian aspirations to be faithful, welcoming and transformational.

With all the optimism of a first-year student, I look forward to the days ahead. I hope you’ll join me as we enter into a new moment, full of new opportunities, for Hope College. In the meantime, enjoy this issue of News from Hope College!

Spera in Deo,
Matthew A. Scogin ʼ02

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