Kirk Cousins @KirkCousins8 “Two students stopped me after my PT session @ Hope…told me they’d get extra credit if I showed up to the class so I had to stop by. Professor Gentile, thanks for having me, but now I’m holding you to that extra credit!”

Kirk Cousins @KirkCousins8 "Two students stopped me after my PT session @ Hope...told me they'd get extra credit if I showed up to the class so I had to stop by. Professor Gentile, thanks for having me, but now I'm holding you to that extra credit!"

Kirk Cousins @KirkCousins8
“Two students stopped me after my PT session @ Hope…told me they’d get
extra credit if I showed up to the class so I had to stop by. Professor Gentile, thanks for having me, but now I’m holding you to that extra credit!”