Katrina Clayton ’21 Beltz and Caleb Beltz ’20

Katrina Clayton ’21 Beltz and Caleb Beltz ’20 were married in May 2020. Katrina is pursuing a Master of Arts degree in leadership with a concentration in student affairs in higher education at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Colorado. Caleb is a staff engineer with Basis Partners in Colorado Springs. Continue Reading →

Ernesta Cole ’21

Ernesta Cole ’21 is pursuing a degree at the University of Michigan’s master’s program of international regional studies with a focus on African studies. Continue Reading →

Vanea Dawson ’21

Vanea Dawson ’21 is teaching STEM, art therapy and the Hawaiian language/Hawaiian literacy to children this summer on the big island of Hawaii, where she is from. Continue Reading →

Taylor Dunn ’21

Taylor Dunn ’21 is an outreach specialist with Community Action House in Holland, Michigan. She and Nick Wyatt ’21 were married on Sunday, July 25, 2021. Continue Reading →