News from Hope College

Nancy Forest-Flier ’71

Nancy Forest-Flier ’71 continues to work as
a freelance Dutch-English literary translator.
Her most recent projects include A Philosophy
of Madness: The Experience of Psychotic Thinking,
by Wouter Kusters, published in 2020. The
Dutch original, Filosofie van de waanzin, won the
Socrates prize for best book on philosophy in
the Netherlands in 2015. Also The Burgundians: A
Vanished Empire, by Bart Van Loo, was released in
October. The original, De Bourgondiërs, has been
a bestseller in Flanders and the Netherlands.
She is currently working on a children’s book,
the third in the Popcorn Bob series, by Maranke
Rinck and Martijn van der Linden.

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